Thursday, December 2, 2010

A researcher from the De Montfort University in Leicester, England has developed new technology destined to change the face of diabetes management in the years to come.
Professor Joan Taylor has developed an artificial pancreas that can prove to be the demise of daily insulin injections diabetics have endured to regulate glucose levels in the body.
Diabetics suffer from insulin insufficiency and thus are unable to regulate the amount of blood sugar in their body. Diabetics do not produce insulin, called Type 1 diabetes or do not produce enough or produce ineffective insulin, called Type 2 diabetes. In order to manage the condition, medication and even injections are used to help the body have more insulin in the body. If the hormone is not present, then the build up in the body causes organ damage, neuropathy and blood thickening, leading to a whole host of other debilitating conditions.
The device is in essence an artificial pancreas made up of a metal casing containing a dose of insulin held together by a gel barrier. When the glucose level in the body increases, the gel barrier liquefies which allows for the insulin to be dissipated into the body. As the insulin spreads to the liver, the process itself is akin to the normal processing of the pancreas, the main source of insulin in the body.
When the blood glucose level decreases because of the insulin dissipation, the protective gel hardens to stop the supply of insulin. This system, according to Professor Taylor, releases the correct amount of insulin needed by the body to manage the blood glucose levels. This removes the errors and guesses done by diabetics as to the proper dosages needed to manage the condition.
The device is undergoing pre-clinical trials and is designed to fit between the lowest rib and the hip of the individual. Every few weeks, the insulin in the device is replenished in order for the body to gain its needed hormone.
Professor Taylor is hoping that the device would be moved to clinical trials in the next few years and is looking forward to having the device available in the market in the next five to ten years.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Diabetes Cure - A Simple Approach

A diabetes cure is not only the most reasonable but the most important step to totally eradicate the disease. Diabetes is a very dangerous metabolic disorder that will kill you slowly if no action is taken immediately to address the problem. As you know, diabetes of type 2 is the cause of many complications that will eventually lead to mortality. Among the complications are stroke and cardiac disorder, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation arising from blood circulation problems.

Diabetes elimination can only be initiated if the diabetic patient is fully committed to undertake the following steps toward eventual elimination of the disorder:


Eliminate all forms of sugar. This can be found in the ordinary table sugar or in all flour-based foods. The presence of sugar in foods like pizzas, noodles, fries have always been ignored and there are many who complained the lack of sugar control without realizing that consumption of the above foods lead to sugar level rise in the blood. Check all grocery purchases when you next do your shopping as sugar tends to be included in food when you least expected it.


It is essential that you have enough exercise. Exercise can be in various form. Even doing household chores is exercise. This is productive exercise - you get a clean house as well as a fit body. Normally, an exercise three times weekly is sufficient to activate the muscles and increase your resistance to diseases. The good ones include cycling, aerobic exercise and swimming. Exercise will improve sensitivity to insulin thus allowing good blood sugar control. Try to get involved in an exercise that you enjoy.


Ensure that you take sufficient supplements to nourish the body. This is one area which most diabetics tend to ignore. For example, insulin requires zinc and vitamin B6 in making its chemical structure. For diabetes I would recommend:

1. A multi vitamins and minerals tablet once daily

2. Omega 3 1000 mg capsule twice daily

3. Vitamin C 1000 mg once daily

4. Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg 2 capsules daily

5. Vitamin E 400 i.u. 1 capsule daily

Mohamad Ali is an affiliate marketer.

To learn more about starting a good and healthy lifestyle, visit Mohamad's site at []Diabetes Cure

Monday, June 22, 2009

What You Should Know About Type 2 Diabetes


At best, you can still live a long life with type 2 diabetes. If you commit yourself to lifestyle changes to follow a healthier diet and exercise more often, then your symptoms will diminish and your risk of disease development will decline. At worst, the consequences of diabetes can be as severe as needing a foot amputation, losing your teeth, suffering kidney failure, going blind, or having a heart attack or stroke. While the early symptoms may seem easy to ignore, Diabetes is a serious condition that requires careful blood sugar monitoring to ensure good health.

Scientists aren't entirely sure what causes type 2 diabetes, although the process itself has been observed. In a normal body, a person digests food, which is absorbed into the bloodstream, with the help of insulin produced by the pancreas, and distributed to cells for energy consumption. When the body is through using energy, the remaining insulin then lowers the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, which decreases the amount of insulin secreted from the pancreas.

The liver stores and manufactures glucose when insulin levels are low. All these processes keep the body regulated and properly transporting energy throughout your system. However, the system of type 2 diabetics has gone mad, and sugar builds up in the bloodstream rather than dispersing it to cells, because the cells have become resistant to insulin. By contrast, with type 1 diabetes, the body is just not producing any insulin.

The complications of type 2 diabetes are easy to ignore at first. So what if you have to pee every hour or you're drinking constantly to quench your thirst? Who doesn't feel a little bit tired or have a sudden pang of extreme hunger every once in a while? Yet doctors caution that diabetes can affect all major organs if left untreated, so it's very important to monitor blood sugar levels.

The short term troubles of diabetes include high blood sugar, an increased number of toxic acid ketones in your urine, which can lead to a coma and low blood sugar, which may lead to unconsciousness. The long-term consequences are far more severe, with a significantly increased risk of developing heart disease, coronary artery disease, strokes, nerve damage, kidney failure, eye damage, foot injuries, tooth loss, skin infections, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes requires a lifelong commitment and lifestyle changes. You must adhere to healthy eating, regular exercise and blood sugar monitoring. Many people need to stay on prescribed medication or take insulin therapy. Often diabetics feel alone but it's important to remember that there is a whole support team of dieticians, doctors and loved ones ready to assist you with whatever you need. With control of blood sugar levels, the risk of a heart attack or stroke can be reduced by over 50%.
mike selvon has some great informative articles.

Friday, May 29, 2009

health is sweet


This is caused from various things including obesity, and a family history of the disease. This diabetes can be controlled with insulin, tablets, and by using diabetic diet calories to correct the blood sugar levels in the body, and improve the functioning of the pancreas (where the body's natural insulin is produced).

The second is Type 1 diabetes, which is when the pancreas does not produce insulin at all. In this case, which is more severe, the diabetic will have to inject themselves with monitored does of insulin every day or twice a day to control their blood sugar levels. This is normally developed at birth or during a child's early life, as well from a family history, and from certain medications that are associated with chemotherapy treatments. This diabetes is also known as insulin dependent diabetes and is when the pancreas is unable to produce its own insulin any longer.

The third type is gestational diabetes and occurs only during a woman's pregnancy. Normally a family history of diabetes will cause the onset of this and it usually does not last after the woman has given birth. By having the correct diabetic diet calories, most women who are at risk can ward off the gestational diabetes, and those that do develop it can control it without needing medication, which is not safe for their baby.

Diabetic diet calories are necessary in the functioning of the body when you have diabetes and doing regular, appropriate exercise can also help to burn off any excess glucose that the body cannot absorb, which means that you can more easily control your diabetes.

Some people have even reversed their diabetes with the []correct diabetic diet calories

For more facts and information be sure to check out my site at: []Essential Diabetic Diet Calories

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

health is sweet


A Vegetarian Lifestyle For Diabetes Control - 10 Surefire StepsBy []Bill Hansen
We all know diabetes is a serious health condition. There is no cure. If left untreated it can cause heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and erectile dysfunction. If diagnosed early, diabetes can be effectively managed and the risk of serious health problems greatly reduced.
You can live well with diabetes by following the ten steps below.
(1) Eat well. Enjoy a variety of healthy foods which are low in saturated fat, sugar and salt. High fibre foods are also recommended such as wholegrain breads and cereals, legumes, fruit and vegetables. Monitor your portion sizes so that you do not eat more food (energy) than you can use (burn) if trying to prevent weight gain. A vegetarian lifestyle and vegetarian food can be of great benefit to your health as well as your weight control. Being overweight or obese is one of the prime causes of diabetes.
(2) Be active. Stay as physically active in as many ways and as often as you can. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.
(3) If you smoke, STOP! Consult your physician or an association that can assist you. Don't delay!
(4) Test your blood glucose levels regularly. By keeping your levels in the target range you will dramatically lower the risks of many complications. Discuss your targets with your physician or diabetes educator. Take your medications as directed by your physician.
(5) If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
(6) Keep track of your weight (and waist). If overweight, even small amounts of weight loss can make a difference to your general health and diabetes management.
(7) Have your physician arrange the recommended management and complication checks.
(8) Take care of your feet and look at them daily. Wear well-fitting socks and supportive shoes or sandals. Cut nails carefully and be aware of injuries.
(9) Have your eyes checked by an optometrist annually, unless recommended more frequently.
(10) Maintain a positive attitude - this is one of the most important tips!
A change to a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating habits will greatly improve your chances of keeping your diabetes condition under control and at the same time allow you to live a fulfilled and prolonged life.
Bill Hansen is a writer(Expert Author Status) and researcher on vegetarian food and recipes. To receive your instant access on various vegetarian food issues please visit
Article Source:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

how to get rid of diabetes


ve scoured the ancient Ayurveda and folk writing of India to look for some herbal cures for mild cases of Diabetes Mellitus. It seems a shame to be on drugs for the whole of ones life, for any problem of the body. At times there may be no recourse but to be on insulin and drugs to control this problem. However there is no harm in trying these herbs. There are many positive cases and at times the patient’s response to these herbs is excellent. However not all humans respond in the same way. So experiment a bit, check your blood sugar levels regularly and try to keep a track of the benefits of these herbs as applicable to your body. If you can find a continuous positive response, you may, after consultation with your physician or doctor start to reduce your allopathic medicines.

Three very effective measures against Diabetes Mellitus are:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 simple food concepts every person living with diabetes should know

10 Simple Food Concepts Every Person Living With Diabetes Should KnowBy []Thomas P Fouts
You know, I'll bet you've heard or have seen all this stuff before. But pay attention anyway. It is good information. Most people living with diabetes that I surveyed, know what not to eat, but not always what to eat, or how to eat it. (combining proteins and carbs) Most all of those surveyed told me what you should eat, that exercise is great, and what vitamins are needed. Then the next thing they say is "whoa, I just told what all you need to do, and I don't even do that myself! Diabetes is a deceiver. Dump that "just one more doughnut" attitude. Here you go.
1. Try to eat five or six small balanced meals each day. Don't starve yourself, eat a small healthy snack if you need to between meals. Be prepared. Keep healthy snacks handy.
2. Don't eat just carbohydrates for a meal. Always combine protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats into balanced meals. If you eat just carbs, like bread, candy, deserts, pasta, or even just fruit, your insulin levels will spike.
3. Try to avoid processed/refined grains like flour. Actually, try to avoid eating anything white. Try to eliminate eating white bread, pancakes, pastries, sugar-laden puffed rice cereals, snack crackers, potato chips, pasta, and my favorite, doughnuts!
4. Limit Carbohydrates to fruits and vegetables (starchy). Good ones to eat, but keep them to a smaller portion are; potatoes (not french fries or potato chips) summer squash, sweet potatoes, lima beans and peas.
5. Always make sure you meet your protein needs everyday with a good quality protein, either plant based or select cuts of meat, or fish. Limit your portion size to about as big as the palm of your open hand. Combine this with your carbs.
6. Fats. Doesn't that word just sound gross? Well, you need fats in your diet. But they need to be healthy fats like cold pressed olive oil, fats from fish, or even from small amounts of avocados or raw nuts. Avoid trans-fats like margarine, lard, shortening, etc. Limit your calories to no more than 31% from fats. Flaxseed oil and good quality cold-pressed fish oil is suggested.
7. High-fiber diet is very beneficial for diabetics. High-fiber foods such as brown rice, whole grain cereals, fresh raw vegetables and fruits, lentils, nuts, seeds, and bran, are just a few. Be sure to include these in your daily diet.
8. Eat your vegetables! Fresh is better. Organic fresh is best. Vegetables just seem to help balance everything. Broccoli is one of the awesome ones to eat often. Full of nutrition, minerals and antioxidants, they provide nutrition without spiking blood sugar. They also help fill you up and make you feel satisfied.
9. Avoid sugar. You know what to avoid, candy, sweet rolls, cakes, pies, ice cream, frozen yogurt, SODA POP, fruit juices, (unless fresh squeezed and minimal amounts). But there is so much sugar in processed foods that you have to be careful. Sugar has many names. Learn them. Corn syrup should be banned! In my guess, corn syrup is probably responsible for a large portion of diabetes cases. Probably more than any other one ingredient.
10. Drink good clean pure water. All day. Make water your beverage of choice. Maybe even make it your only beverage. Can't go wrong with this one!
So there you have it. Nutrition is the name of the game. A huge "piece of the puzzle" for preventing, delaying, or reversing diabetes.
Thomas Fouts is a former building inspector who decided to get out of the 8 to 5 rat race. Since starting an online business, making money, my wife has told others that she got the person she married back. It has been a wonderful change. Just start.
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